The Medical Company Wanting to Improve the Lives of One Million Women by 2025
PODCAST PEOPLE: A Summary from the Real Leaders Podcast “I think that if you do the right thing, you never have to worry about making your profit numbers or your top line revenue numbers. That is oftentimes a byproduct of doing the right thing year after year.“ Bryon Merade is the CEO of Caldera Medical, […]
Pandemic Survival Secret: Be Your Best Friend
Despite our difficult life experiences, we keep hoping, even expecting, that everything will be positive from now on. We make a tradition of greeting each other with best wishes on holidays and special occasions and meaning it as if we can wish away that life has its own plans and always has two sides. The […]
Warriors Heart, an Integrative Approach to Addiction and PTSD Recovery
PODCAST PEOPLE: A Summary from the Real Leaders Podcast “That’s a big part in behavioral health care or Social Capitalism or social consciousness—with businesses, we can’t forget about the people aspect of it. Yes, the balance sheet’s important. But you and me are what make the balance sheet. It’s not balance sheet run or profit […]
The Opioid Epidemic in America: Unwelcome in Addiction, Unwelcome in Recovery
Many individuals suffering from addiction experience stigma associated with their disease. Stigma also exists within the culture of addiction treatment and community recovery support groups. In this story, stigma related to medication support in recovery illustrates how contempt prior to investigation can be fatal and yields unhealthy exclusivity to a rich recovery cultural heritage. (Names […]
Using Super Foods to Transform Lives
PODCAST PEOPLE: A Summary of the Real Leaders Podcast “I think it really came through my personal journey. And I realized, I want to help people, I want to help people make the right choices, and I want to help millions of people that maybe just don’t know better like me. I didn’t know better, […]
Why I Transformed My Business Mindset To Something More Meaningful
PODCAST PEOPLE: A Summary from the Real Leaders Podcast “This is a business that is not only about bringing about all of those things inside of us that are gifts that we can recognize, but growing a culture in our company that recognizes the gifts in one another.” David Kahl is the founder and CEO […]
Are You Angry? Embrace It and Transform It!
Just a few weeks ago, we believed that Covid-19 and its economic consequences would be the most significant events of 2020. Yet, we didn’t foresee the massive, countrywide protests triggered by police brutality and systemic racism. It’s left many people feeling frustrated and angry. When confronting these events, many people are emotionally and intellectually overwhelmed […]
3 Ways a Mental ‘Road Map’ Can Manifest Your Success
For an entrepreneur, professional speaker, and success coach Sheryl Grant, transformational leadership through personal development and community building is the name of the game. She’s built her success on three visualizations that can apply to any CEO or entrepreneur. Here are her mental strategies for breaking through tough times. A Ms. Olympia, beyond the age […]
Leaders: Better Sleep Equals Better Life During COVID-19
A recent report from Express Scripts, a prescription benefit plan provider, confirmed that the use of anti-insomnia medications has spiked. Filled prescriptions increasing by 21% between February and March 2020, and those numbers peaked during the week of March 15 — the same week, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, and the US […]
Good News: How to Break The Chain of Negative Emotions You May be Feeling
Today the world finds itself in an unprecedented situation. The anxiety, depression, and psychosis triggered by the constant stream of negative news around COVID-19 are now as detrimental to our health as the coronavirus itself. And they are spreading faster than the virus, too, burrowing through our lives until it seems we will never be able […]