Real Leaders

Flourish: Design Paradigms for Our Planetary Emergency

Can indigenous knowledge help us design a more sustainable future? What will it take to restore balance to our world, repair past injustices, and support future generations’ survival? Reaching beyond sustainability, “regenerative” practice is increasingly named as a new goal, but what does this emerging term really mean? And which key mindset shifts might enable […]

7 Fun Ways to Create an Extraordinary Vision

Taking intentional time to nourish vision is vital. It’s amazing what can happen when you make space for it, rather than waiting for it to fit itself into your life. It’s also helpful to take yourself out of the goal mindset, as it can be limiting and invites pressure to think in terms of deliverables […]

Team Human: Can the Revolution Start Already?

Our technologies, markets, and cultural institutions — once forces for human connection and expression — now isolate and repress us. It’s time to remake society together, not as individual players but as the team we actually are: Team Human. Autonomous technologies, runaway markets, and weaponized media have overturned civil society, paralyzing our ability to connect […]

Author Getting Children on the Same Page

Some of our country’s first bridges were built upon books. Niki Daly grew up in a time when there was a notable absence of multiracial and multilingual stories, which created a literary divide in addition to the unrest caused by apartheid. In 1971, Daly moved to London to pursue a career as a singer and […]

Can Capitalism Be Compassionate?

The global economy can be confusing and terrifying. Financial experts, policy makers, and everyday citizens want to know: How will government policies impact our families and what can we do about it? In his book, “Broken Capitalism: This is How We Fix it,” Ferris Eanfar explains the state of the global economy and its key […]

Let’s Fall in Love With The Future

Sustainia’s new book ‘Repaint the future!’ invites you to become part of a global movement which aims to confront fear and distrust and create a more sustainable future. Want to join? Fear and distrust are soaring in today’s society: Fear for our future, of climate change, terrorism and distrust in our decision-makers, in the media, […]

Challenges to the Dream

What started as an annual writing contest encouraging students to express their personal struggles with race and discrimination is now an anthology featuring 91 pieces by 83 writers on topics ranging from racial and cultural stereotypes and school bullying to homophobia and identity questions. Published by CMU Press, “Challenges to the Dream: The Best of […]

The High-Potential Leader

The primary reason companies like Facebook, GE, and Netflix win today is the quality of their generals. Never before has it been more valuable to have or to become a high potential leader, one who can set the path and execute a winning plan in this digital age. If a business leader has what it […]

Eyes Wide Open: How Perception Shapes Our Reality

In his popular new TED Talk “What reality are you creating for yourself?” former Saved by the Bell teen star-turned-entrepreneur Isaac Lidsky recalls how the clerk he waved to in the store was really a mannequin; how he reached down to wash his hands and realized it was a urinal and not a sink. Objects […]

20 Influential Women Share Secrets on Leadership, Business and Life

Pursuing gender balance in the executive suite and boardroom is clearly a good business decision. Documented benefits include higher profits, better employee retention and a deeper talent pool. But achieving that balance takes intentional focused efforts. On the company side, simply stating the goal does not ensure a flow of qualified women applying for the […]