Ranking: 59
Industry: Body Care
Mission: Manufactures and supplies organic and natural skin care products. Family-owned, family-run, and family-friendly, they blend the finest organic ingredients to make the safest, most effective products possible for both people and the planet. They are championing sustainable agriculture and workplace health in a 100% solar-powered facility.
What 3 words best describe your company culture?
Inclusive. Family Friendly. Caring.
What quote best exemplifies your company?
“Family-run and family-friendly since 1995, we see our business as a vehicle for making positive change in the world. For us, running a healthy business is about how we treat our employees and the impact we have on our community and the planet. Becoming a certified B Corp and NH Benefit Corporation allows us to keep our mission and values close and to do so in a purposeful way.”
How is your product or service having a positive social and/or environmental impact?
We believe that business can be a force for good. And that includes addressing one of humanity’s most widespread and pressing challenges: climate change. At the 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25) in Madrid, we joined a group of over 500 other B corporations in committing to Net Zero by 2030. That means reaching a perfect equilibrium with the earth—drawing all of our energy from renewable sources, and releasing zero carbon into the atmosphere. To achieve that goal, we needed to produce enough renewable energy onsite to power all of our manufacturing processes. Solar panels were a perfect choice. They produce enough clean energy for all our operations, eliminating about 636,000 pounds of carbon pollution every year. That’s what we call a brighter future.
What is your company’s vision for the future?
Everything we do, we strive for green. We’re proud to show that a small, rural manufacturer can set a big climate goal and achieve it. That our products aren’t just good for the planet; they’re made by the planet. And with the support of a community, anything is possible, including reaching our goal of NET-ZERO by 2030.