Real Leaders

Your Application Has Been Received!

Thank you for applying to the 2022 Real Leaders Impact Awards! The final step to complete your application is to verify your revenues. Please have your CPA submit the Revenue Verification Form by September 30, 2021. All financial information collected will be used for internal awards evaluation only.  Upon submitting the form, we require that […]

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Yulu Public Relations

Ranking: 141 Industry: Public Relations & Communications Mission: Championing social innovation by sharing stories that matter. They partner with socially innovative organizations, redefining entire industries with the fundamental idea that environmental and social responsibility are the cornerstones of holistic success. Leading a revolution of creativity, commerce and social consciousness. What 3 words best describe your […]

Springboard Consulting

Ranking: 142 Industry: Consulting Mission: Working with multinational corporations to mainstream disability in the workforce, workplace, and marketplace. They effectively recruit and appropriately support individuals with disabilities, and help businesses to realize increased productivity and profitability through a diverse and inclusive workforce. Operating in over 40 countries with solutions that work worldwide. Back to the […]

Earth Equity Advisors

Ranking: 136 Industry: Impact Investing Mission: A financial services firm that specializes in fossil-fuel-free responsible investments and financial planning. They offer sustainable, responsible, and impact investment portfolios to help clients align investments with their values and support solutions that have a positive impact on the world. Portfolios support the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.  Back […]

Lucky Iron Fish Enterprise (LIFE)

Ranking: 145 Industry: Health & Wellness Mission: A social enterprise that produces fish-shaped cast iron ingots which provide dietary iron supplementation to individuals affected by iron deficiency and anemia. They are tackling the world’s largest nutritional challenge by spreading nourishment to solve a preventable health problem that impacts over a third of the world’s population. […]

Shades of Green Permaculture

Ranking: 135 Industry: Sustainable Landscaping Mission: A sustainable landscape firm that designs and installs productive and vibrant landscapes that respond to nature rather than work against it. Their designs provide organic food, thriving habitats, herbal medicine, natural beauty, healthy and chemical-free soils, and water cycle restoration. Empowering people to be part of the solution to […]


Ranking: 118 Industry: Networking Mission: An online social university for entrepreneurs, creatives, and innovative professionals who are passionate about making a lasting positive impact. Members learn how to best lead their teams, scale their organizations, navigate global trends, and bolster their personal well-being. Their community stretches across 50 global cities, with 10,000 hand-selected members in […]

Franklin Media

Ranking: 117 Industry: Publishing Mission: Helping school districts, universities, bookstores, and wholesalers find new homes by donating, recycling, or selling their old, damaged, surplus or out of adoption books. Each year they keep over 3 million pounds of books out of landfills through recycling and put over ¼ million books into the hands of new […]

Pearl Consulting

Ranking: 119 Industry: Management Consulting Mission: Focused on delivering mutual benefit for corporate, nonprofit and government partners through the strategic deployment of social impact initiatives. They are dedicated to helping organizations achieve a positive social impact through meaningful partnerships to maximize expertise and drive effective programs. Network of consultants spans across Asia Pacific, Europe, and […]