Real Leaders

Treedom srl

Ranking: 78

Industry: Forestry

Mission: An online platform allowing companies and consumers worldwide to plant trees remotely and follow their growth online. They finance agroforestry projects for sustainable ecosystems and aid local farmers, bringing environmental, social, and financial benefits to their communities. Supporting over 83,000 farmers by planting over 1.4 million trees across 4 continents.

What 3 words best describe your company culture?

Sustainability, Engagement, Transparency

What quote best exemplifies your company?

“Treedom aims to make the world a greener & better place for everyone. Treedom is the only site that allows people and companies to plant trees and see their impact online, supporting local farmers around the world. Every single tree is planted, photographed, geolocated and is visible online, to show your commitment to everyone in a transparent way.”

How is your product or service having a positive social and/or environmental impact?

IMPACT BUSINESS MODEL: With Treedom users finance farmers who want to plant trees, supporting their work in the early years, when trees are not yet productive. Treedom provides farmers with know-how and technical support for planting and managing trees. Trees are photographed, geolocated, and monitored by Treedom over time.

BENEFITS: Treedom directly finances small agroforestry projects throughout the territory. The philosophy is to realize sustainable ecosystems and allow thousands of farmers to support the initial costs of planting new trees, ensuring food autonomy and income opportunities over time.

Environmental benefits:

  • CO2 absorption worldwide
  • Protection of biodiversity
  • Contrast soil erosion and desertification
  • Reforestation

The realization of small agroforestry systems allows making precise choices concerning the specific characteristics and needs of each project area. The tree species planted are native or respect the biodiversity of the different territories. The agroforestry practice also integrates the planting of trees in an agricultural system, favouring the virtuous interaction between the different species and sustainable use of resources and land. Finally, all trees absorb CO2 in the course of their growth, naturally generating a benefit for the entire planet.

Social and economic benefits:

  • Direct financing of local farmers
  • Choice of which trees to plant made with the farmers
  • Costs covered up to tree’s productive phase
  • Training and income opportunities

Treedom finances projects in rural communities in the south of the world and also carries out projects with a strong social value in Italy. The first step is the training and financing of the communities involved in the projects, obtaining extraordinary results in terms of their own empowerment. The trees and their fruits belong to the farmers, allowing them to diversify and supplement their income and in some cases, to launch micro-entrepreneurship initiatives. Financing the planting of new trees with Treedom serves to support the trees’ care in the first years of their life when they are not yet productive in terms of fruit.

What is your company’s vision for the future?

In our vision, everyone is able to make the world a greener & better place.

Treedom aims to create a resilient environment promoting sustainable development that connects north-south in a mutual benefit relation, introducing innovations in the charity sector as transparency, engagement, versatility.

Treedom’s mission is to allow anyone to contribute to the wellbeing of the planet in a simple and fun way while they browse online. With a simple gesture, a click, help rural communities and especially farmers in disadvantaged areas, to receive startup fundings to implement agroforestry activities instead of monoculture or harming cultivation technique.

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