Ranking: 15
Industry: Finance
Mission: An infrastructure investor that builds, owns, and operates assets in sustainable energy, mobility, and water, waste, and agriculture sectors. They are working to bring about an Infrastructure Revolution that is democratized, digitized, decentralized, and decarbonized. Serving more than 400 companies, universities, school districts, cities, and nonprofits across North America.
What 3 words best describe your company culture?
Values & Vision Alignment
What quote best exemplifies your company?
“Let’s rebuild the world together.”
How is your product or service having a positive social and/or environmental impact?
Generate Capital is an investment and operating platform leading the Infrastructure Transition. We partner with best-in-class project developers and technology companies to deliver reliable, affordable and sustainable resources to customers. Generate is built from the ground up to help our partners succeed and scale by providing them different types of capital and services to grow markets and rebuild the world together. We own, operate and finance community and enterprise solar, microgrids, battery storage, energy efficiency, waste-to-value and clean transportation projects. In our short history, our growing and diversified fleet of sustainable infrastructure assets has replaced nearly 3 billion metric tons of CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions, diverted over 630,000 metric tons of organic waste from landfills, and supported thousands of jobs. We are just getting started.
What is your company’s vision for the future?
Generate Capital is partnering with companies, cities, technology pioneers and developers to drive the Infrastructure Transition toward what we call the 4Ds of modern infrastructure:
DECENTRALIZED: from big/monolithic/inflexible to small/distributed/modular/flexible/resilient
DECARBONIZED: from dirty to clean
DIGITIZED: from analog to digital
DEMOCRATIZED: from regulated monopolies to multiple-choice for customers