Ranking: 128
Industry: Financial Services
Mission: An impact investing advisory firm serving clients who want their investments to contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive world. They develop and manage custom investment strategies designed to achieve targeted environmental and social impact without sacrificing financial performance. Helping clients support the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
What 3 words best describe your company culture?
Collegial, Inclusive, Passionate
What quote best exemplifies your company?
Hillel the Elder: “If I am not for me, that who will be? (Capitalism) If I am only for me, then what am I? (Justice) And if not now, then when?” (Urgency/Impact)
How is your product or service having a positive social and/or environmental impact?
Cornerstone works with individuals, families and institutions to pursue a shared vision: the realization of a more regenerative and inclusive global economy. Clients come to Cornerstone for investment advice and portfolio design that incorporates both financial and impact goals. Between our advisory client base and shareholders in our recently launched (11/19) mutual fund (ticker CCIIX), we currently facilitate the deployment of ~$2 billion in capital toward investments that generate positive social and environmental impact.
What is your company’s vision for the future?
We envision a future where capitalism fully considers all forms of capital — not just financial, but also human and natural capital — in the pursuit of profitable innovation that benefits all stakeholders in the global economy.