Real Leaders

The Leadership Gift is You

All of us have characteristics and behaviors that define us – to ourselves and others. Keeping a vision of positivity, growth and longevity is crucial for us to maintain a healthy and thriving business, career and life. Incorporating the Genshai principles has worked for me and many others. I encourage everyone to give Genshai a […]

How to Develop A Mindset of Positivity

“It is much harder to hope than to remember,” is a thought I have to remind myself of as often as possible. While navigating my daily life, it is apparent to me that I have a tendency to dwell on my past experiences. I love thinking about decisive moments in my life, such as graduation […]

Genshai Leadership: How to Give, Live And Master

Genshai is an ancient word that means “Never treat another person in a manner that would make them feel small – including yourself.” You are the gift. You are the meaning in your life, and an element of that meaning in the lives of many others. So often too many of us feel selfish if we focus […]

What Can We Learn From Youthful Minds?

As we show up every day in our leadership roles as supervisors, fathers or elders, we have labels that identify our natural role. What true leadership means to me goes deeper than just our responsible or identifiable roles.  It speaks to our personal integrity – “what we do when no one is looking”.  This is […]

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