Real Leaders

Genshai Leadership: How to Give, Live And Master

Genshai is an ancient word that means “Never treat another person in a manner that would make them feel small – including yourself.”

You are the gift. You are the meaning in your life, and an element of that meaning in the lives of many others. So often too many of us feel selfish if we focus on ourselves or we are simply too hard on ourselves for a choice or decision we have made. Let that history be exactly that… history. 

Your present moment is to allow yourself the belief that you are good, beautiful, loving, kind, generous, and sometimes just fierce – for showing up to fight for  goodness in our world. Be real and raw. Let go of facades. Ask someone for help. Drop your pride or ego. Step into your own excellence. The royalty in your life is giving these gifts to yourself.

This is real authenticity. These traits are what make you look in the mirror and say, “I can do this” or “I have this.”  “This” is belief followed by action.

Some days you may feel a mess and be a mess. No worries. Genshai Warriors overcome. You are never alone, yet you must always show up alone. Bring your confidence, and the courage of your convictions. Live it up! See yourself and see other people. Make your mission to embrace the gift of YOU. 

When you are a Genshai Warrior you are part of a powerful energy. It’s a  connection regardless of geography, culture, creed or history. It’s the creation of a new world; one we prefer and choose to live in. It’s our new frontier. 

Throughout the ages, humanity has experienced changes and shifts. How we choose to show up each day depends on our awareness and choice. The word Genshai is a word that awakens us. It reminds us to check in with ourselves and do our best to correct what is wrong within ourselves. It reminds us to do our best to fight outside forces that can seize us if we’re not properly equipped to release its grip. 

Living, giving and mastering Genshai is possible together and as an individual – in a co-created world. To explain these three elements further:

You begin with giving to yourself first because you cannot give what you do not have.

Next, you implement by living, meaning you embody the meaning of Genshai in your everyday interactions with others and with yourself.

Then, you practice mastering each day, which leads to you realizing excellence. A master never stops learning, and once we learn, we want to give back, which takes us back to the beginning of the cycle.

Who have you told they have meaning in your life? If you have not done so lately, do it now, this minute.  The outcome will:

Create a wave – who is your water?

Stir an ember – who is your fire?

Draw a breath – who is your wind?

Ground you in excellence – who is your earth?

Elevate grace? – Who is your spirit?

Earth- grounding: Your Genshai Earth Warriors bring you stability through practical advice, acceptance and reliability. They escort you through life’s changes.

Water – flowing: Your Genshai Water Warriors connect you to the ebb and flow of the experiences in your heart. They help you relate to others and exemplify compassion.

Fire – ignite: Your Genshai Fire Warriors challenge you to be passionate about how you show up in the world and serve as a light within it. They kindle your possibilities.

Wind – freedom: Your Genshai Wind Warriors liberate your thoughts and ideas and give them flight. They lift you and breathe into your dreams. 

Spirit – grace: Your Genshai Spirit Warriors elevate your awareness of the nature and goodness of humanity. They bring out the divine in your soul.

Kristin Andress is the CEO of Andress Strategy Consulting, a California-based firm that enables entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and corporations to maximize their capacity. She is the co-author of the bestselling book “Imagine Being In a Life You Love.”


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