Real Leaders

The Purpose Economy, Expanded and Updated

aaron hurst

Aaron Hurst’s Second Edition Brings The Purpose Economy to a More Personal Level.

On October 11th, social entrepreneur Aaron Hurst releases the second edition of The Purpose Economy.

In 2014 Aaron Hurst, Ashoka fellow and founder of Imperative and Taproot Foundation, published The Purpose Economy, the book that catalyzed the purpose revolution. With his prediction that purpose was the next major economic era, many are now racing to find answers and direction toward discovering their personal, professional, and organizational purpose. Leaders from around the world have embraced Hurst’s work and have asked for more.

In this expanded and updated edition Hurst unpacks critical new research and tools for individuals and organizations to find purpose and thrive in this new era.

Based on interviews with thousands of entrepreneurs, new survey-backed metrics, and refined societal trends, Hurst shows that this new era is fueling demand for purpose-centered professionals who not only create more satisfying careers, but also contribute more productively to teams and organizations.

A new view of success based on relationships, impact, and growth is spreading across the globe, and individuals and organizations that embrace that view have emerged as the leaders of the new economy.

A globally recognized entrepreneur, Aaron Hurst is the CEO of Imperative, a technology platform that enables people to discover, connect and act on what gives them purpose in their work. Aaron is a close advisor to many global brands and frequent speaker and writer on the development of the Purpose Economy. He is the founder and an active advisor to the Taproot Foundation where he was the catalyst and lead architect of the $15 billion pro bono service market. He was the creative force behind the conception of the national Billion + Change campaign.

aaron hurstQuotes from The Purpose Economy:

“We now desire to transcend our own needs and prioritize the needs of all of society and future generations, seeking more connection and self- expression. The Purpose Economy is fundamentally fueled by our pursuit of the fulfillment of these needs; the needs themselves have become an economic force.”

“Most of us will work for 45 to 50 years. Think about that for a second. That is the same amount of time it would take to attend college 12 times. And, it’s increasingly true that during that time, we will hold many different jobs, and for more and more of us, those will be in a range of fields. We have so many opportunities to find the work that best suits our perspective on the world and the way we most enjoy contributing.”

“TRUTH: Purpose is a journey. It doesn’t come as a revelation from above, but from living life awake and seeking new experiences.” “Understanding the drivers of purpose in your work is foundational to practicing purpose and building purpose power. If you don’t have basic self-awareness of purpose, it is difficult to know how to productively create supporting narratives and recognize the opportunities to practice purpose. You need to know the WHO, HOW, and WHY of purpose in practice for you.”