Real Leaders

Be Good For Goodness Sake

wooden plane

Written in parable by Kristin Andress, Be Good For Goodness Sake transports you from the buzz of life to a tranquil setting where strangers convene and have unique experience. In the characters, you will see a piece of yourself, and through the experience you will tell your own story. 

This is OUR World.  The distinction is how you choose to see – and be – in it.

Have you ever considered goodness as a personal and professional focused intention? Since “good begets good” it is most certainly worth your time, energy and conscious consideration to learn how goodness benefits you and those around you.   There is evidence of Goodness affecting the very stability of countries, let alone imagining what it can do for you or your business.

As busy people, we do not often make time for ourselves. Being busy can be perceived as a badge of honor, yet in that ‘busyness’ what might you be missing? In 60 pages, Be Good For Goodness Sake gives you much to think about in terms of how you see people and how they may see you. Goodness is demonstrated in our actions, communication and relationships.  It is a way of ‘being’ in the world, as much as what we are doing in it.

be-good-bookcoverImagine being in a peaceful, beautiful, tranquil setting away from the buzz of life. At the end of a gravel path lined by flowers and stretches of flowing greenery, there is a lovely B&B with a winding porch, an inviting swing, and a majestic Willow tree swaying in the breeze. You step into the freshness and are greeted by a Host that will soon create amazing aromas, appetites and experiences. You know not what to expect and are timelessly taken on a journey of awareness, understanding, and perhaps even transformation. You meet people who are different from you and yet, similar. How would you show up? What would be your judgement or your acceptance?  Those answers are part of the story you as the reader will tell.

First, you are the beneficiary of Goodness, whether you are the deliverer of good or the recipient of it. The question is “Do you recognize it and your opportunity to embody it and the opportunities that result from it?” Goodness is a quality that propels you to become a person others desire to listen to, invest time with, and who has a distinct, difference-making presence. It is a core strength that results in selfless support of others, and confidence in your worthiness and abilities no matter the endeavor. It is what attracts people to prefer to be in your presence or to do business with you.  It heightens the interest of your teams or stakeholders to do their best. It impacts your family dynamic and has a ripple effect to your community.  When you demonstrate goodness your clients and employees will be loyal. Your reputation will be absolute.  You will elevate your capacity to thrive.  

Goodness happens in many forms and functions. When the focus is on goodness our minds and hearts lift as we witness it; however, what we need to realize is that the starting point is within each one of us – not external to us. It is our choice in how we choose to see each other and show up in the world we live in.  Never will we all be the same.  Why would we want to?  Our differences are what make our collective humanity whole. 

In the book, Be Good For Goodness sake, stories are told that evoke emotion and wake up the realization that we must first see in ourselves what we also so quickly see in others. 

Your story is yours to tell.  Be Good For Goodness Sake.


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