Real Leaders

The Impact Capitalism Summit

The largest convening of investors focused on maximizing impact and maximizing return.

Celebrating its 10-year anniversary, Big Path Capital is pleased to announce the 9th annual Impact Capitalism Summit and 3rd in Nantucket – the largest convening of investors focused on maximizing impact and maximizing return across asset classes.

This Summit will focus on key factors that are changing the impact investing landscape.  The biggest transfer of wealth in human history has started. Over the next 35 years as an unprecedented $58.7 trillion dollars of wealth transfers to women and millennials.  Women will inherit 70% of this wealth. By 2030, two thirds of the wealth in the United States will be in women’s hands.   Lastly, women and millennials factor a company’s social and environmental impact into their investing decisions at a dramatically higher rate.  This confluence of factors will drive change and growth in the sector.  Come be part of this exciting journey.