Real Leaders

12 Earth Day Tips That Will Make A Big Difference

In anticipation of Earth Day on April 22, we have published below 12 action items that you can implement to make a difference – some immediately and some with a little planning – that will reduce your company’s carbon footprint and increase your bottom line. Feel free to share these tips widely, to comment on whether you’ve taken any of these steps (and any results that might have followed), and to suggests any others you think might be a great idea. Happy Earth Day!

1. Switch from water cooler jugs to on-site water purifiers. (

2. Ban plastic water bottles; invest in aluminum branded bottles for everyone. (

3. Hold e-waste recycling events at all offices/properties. (

4. Mandate double-sided printing. (

5. Convert to LED lighting. (

6. Install smart power strips. (

7. Raise/lower the air-conditioning/heater thermostat setting by a couple degrees.  (

8. Put one or two liter water bottles (sealed lids) in the flush tanks of toilets to save water. (

9. Water aerators on taps to save water. (

10. Create preferred parking spaces for carpools. (

11. If using takeout for office lunches/function, use/request biodegradable takeout containers instead of plastic. Otherwise, try to avoid takeout containers entirely and use reusable forks, knives, spoons, plates and cups stored at the office. (

12. Install an Energy Star dishwasher, so everyone is happy with using the office flatware and dishes. (

List supplied by Homer Robinson, a member of the Sustainable Business Network – a network of The Young President’s Organization (YPO)


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