Real Leaders held an event at Barnes & Noble in Tribeca, Manhattan to kick of their new global newsstand expansion during the week of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City. The publication is the world’s first sustainable business & leadership magazine, which aims to inspire better leaders for a better world.
The magazine is now available in Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Hudson newsstands and select distributors around the world.

To mark the occasion of the special fall release of the magazine, Real Leaders hosted a panel of impact leaders in conjunction with the United Nations to discuss how both established and emerging citizens are taking innovative action to achieve the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Each panelist described the goal most important to them, the action they are taking and what others can do to make a positive difference in the world.

Grant Schreiber, Editor of Real Leaders, moderated the panel discussion and spoke about the need for a magazine such as Real Leaders to focus on far-sighted leaders who inspire the future (#inspirethefuture).
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“We cannot wait for politicians to solve the world’s problems,” said Mark Van Ness, Founder of Real Leaders. “Leaders in our everyday lives, including business leaders, are stepping up everywhere to fill the leadership void.”

In addition to a call for real leadership, Julie Van Ness, expressed the importance of diversity and inclusion in leadership. “We strive for our magazine to be diverse,” said Van Ness, President of Real Leaders. “For example, we make sure that women are represented in equal numbers to men throughout our entire magazine.”
The diverse panel added valuable insights around their social impact work.

Marci Zaroff, Founder of MetaWear Organic and BeyondBrands, talked about the negative environmental impacts of conventional apparel manufacturing and how to combat this. Jonathan Granoff, President of the Global Security Institute, pointed out the many actions that are being taken to address the global goals and encouraged everyone to get involved for elevated impact. Jay Shetty, award-winning online host and filmmaker, discussed how to make a difference on social media. And Jess Jacobs, Actress, Global Advocate and Co-Founder of Invisible Pictures, talked about her work to achieve gender equality in TV and film production.
Other panelists included Alex Amouyel, Executive Director of MIT Solve, Benita Fitzgerald Mosley, Olympian and CEO of Laureus USA and Maya Brahmam, Senior Communications Officer of The World Bank.
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