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Prosthetic Hand Wins Microsoft ‘Hackathon’

A team of students from Canada has won Microsoft’s annual student developer competition with their invention – a smart robotic prosthetic hand.

Canadian company SmartARM developed a robotic prosthetic hand, using Microsoft Azure Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Cloud Storage, that uses a camera embedded in its palm to recognize objects and calculate the most appropriate grip for an object. Based on Machine Learning, the more the model is used the more accurate it becomes. Over 40 teams from around the world brought their biggest, boldest ideas to the event to tackle humanity’s most pressing problems. 

Team members, Hamayal Choudhry and Samin Khan, both 20, say their invention has the potential to dramatically lower the cost of prosthetics for people who are missing or have lost a limb. Hamayal is a second year Mechatronics Engineering Student at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology while Samin is a third year Computer Science student at the University of Toronto.

They walk away with $100,000 in prizes and a mentoring session with Microsoft, CEO, Satya Nadella (pictured above, far left with the winners). Microsoft’s Imagine World Cup Finals takes place over three days at Microsoft’s Washington HQ and is now in its 16th year.

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