Real Leaders

11 Leadership Lessons From Major CEO and Company Lawsuits

Gone are the days of turning a blind eye. More than ever, company executives, officers, and leaders are being held accountable for their actions. Plus, a CEO in hot water means the company faces repercussions too. A leader’s reputation is often linked to the company’s values — or even the bottom line. Whether it’s entanglements […]

In new UN role, ex-CNN journalist seeks to end abuse of women and girls

Former CNN correspondent Isha Sesay planned to begin her new role as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) with a visit to Nigeria and Haiti — canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Instead, the British journalist and author listened remotely to stories from women and girls, from midwives to abuse survivors, […]

“Hey Alexa, Make Me Immortal”

Voice computing will profoundly reshape the way humans relate to machines. Rather than allowing a sense of alienation to creep in, some organizations have appropriated the technology to capture fading stories and bring them back to life for future generations. Instead of writing a letter or recording a video for your great-grandchildren, you may one […]

Re-imagining Policing. By a Former Police Officer

Transforming Police culture and reforming the Judicial system is a complex problem rooted in systemic issues that dredge up rage, hate, and suffering. These emotional states of mind prompt people to cast blame and erodes our ability to use logic and reason to unify everyone to solve this cancer eating away at our nation. First, […]

Forgiveness And the Healing of America

At 9:05 pm on Wednesday, June 17, 2016, the unthinkable happened. Nine people were murdered while worshiping at the Emanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina. An unlikely place for a murder you may think, but an occurrence that has, unfortunately, become more commonplace, especially in light of the recent George Floyd incident.  That night […]

You Strike The Women, You Strike a Rock

nobel peace

The tragic death of three children, from a skirmish between the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and British troops in 1976, pushed two women into action and galvanized a divided community. It was an unprecedented display of what women can achieve when they join forces. Anne Maguire was walking to the shops with her three children […]

Fashion, the Mafia, and My Quest for Truth

My vision of journalism wouldn’t be shared by my American colleagues. In fact, when I explained what drives me and what my aims are to my professors while completing a Masters program at Columbia University, they told me I had probably chosen the wrong career. To me, being a reporter isn’t just a quest to find […]

Tutu and King: Two Kinds of Nonviolence

This article written by Charles Krauthammer originally appeared in his syndicated column on January 17, 1986, three days before the first national holiday honoring the birthday of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. In 1987 Krauthammer won the Pulitzer prize for commentary and this was his winning entry: The accepted wisdom in South Africa, Lionel […]