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Is This the Tesla of Smart Watches?

A Swiss start-up has created the world’s first kinetic self-charging smart watch.

After more than three years of intensive research and development, Swiss company, Sequent, has launched a smart watch with a breakthrough technology that may redefine the future of all smart devices. Launching on on 5 July 2017, the revolutionary “SuperCharger” hybrid smart watch contains a major breakthrough in technology inside. This new generation of smart watch has a kinetic self-charging battery system, which provides infinite power supply.

Sequent reckons that it has not only solved a major problem of the smart watch industry, which suffers from insufficient battery supply for its devices, but also created a device that generates 100% clean energy. 

“We are the first ones to master the transformation of kinetic “100% clean” energy into infinite electrical energy to power a smart watch.” says CEO Petra Guhl. “Some have already said that we’ll become the Tesla of the smart watch and wearable industry, as we share the same vision.”

The best news for consumers is the end of socket charging, the search for a charging cord or trying to find a stockist to buy those easy-to-lose miniature coin batteries.