How to Recognize a Real Leader Versus a Misleader

Mark Van Ness
The Power of Collaborating with Competitors

Mark Van Ness
3 Decisions That Will Define Your Life

It’s been 28 years since Julie Farkas and Seth Goldman made one of the most important decisions of their lives; to marry each other. In time, they chose careers they loved that were fulfilling: Julie creating and running programs focused on economic and racial equity and Seth as a social entrepreneur, both agreeing to take […]
How Deval Patrick Shaped A Life Worth Living

Deval Patrick has been successful in the world of business, government and non-profits. In a recent conversation, I was curious to learn what leadership lesson he had taken away from each. Emerging from a childhood in a Chicago tenement to graduating from Harvard Law School, and serving as Governor of Massachusetts, his journey has been […]
How to Lead a Divided America

The challenges facing the current U.S. president and congress is unlike anything in living memory. In case you haven’t noticed, the citizens of America are angry, and our patience with the dysfunction and corruption in Washington DC has run out. This election campaign in 2016 may have been a warning shot over your bow, your […]
The United Nations Means Business!

Why have over 13,000 businesses (including Real Leaders) already joined the U.N. Global Compact in support of the new 17 Sustainable Development Goals for 2030? The answer is not what you might expect. Real Leaders founder Mark Van Ness sat down with U.N. Global Compact Executive Director Lise Kingo in New York to discuss how […]
Your Next Big Business Opportunity: The United Nations

The United Nations Global Compact has made the private sector a central focus of its ongoing commitment to solving the world’s pressing problems. “With less than 4,000 days to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals by the 2030 deadline, there is urgent need for greater ambition and action from the global business community, and this […]
U.N. Global Compact CEO: Business Must Fight on After Climate Setback

At the U.N. General Assembly Week in New York last week, I asked Lise Kingo, CEO of the U.N. Global Compact, on her reaction to the climate crisis and if any repercussions had since come from the United States pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord back in June 2017. Should we despair and how […]
Nearly 4 Million Americans Are Being Held Hostage by Violent Forces

Please share their urgent plea. WTF… Where’s the FEMA? Did you know that nearly four million Americans are trapped in the path of a killer hurricane with no way to escape? Yes, media was on the scene reporting on Category 4 Hurricane Harvey’s destruction to Houston’s 2.3 million residents. Now they are in Miami reporting heavily […]
How to Raise a Young Leader

Why are some kids only interested in playing video games while others take action to change the world? Real Leaders asked someone who knows. As a 12-year-old, Craig Kielburger (picture above, left) convinced his parents that he needed to fly half-way around the world when he learned that children were being sold into slavery. Upon […]