Real Leaders



For the first time, we are opening the opportunity for all Real Leaders in the world to submit and be reviewed for the 2024 “Ones to Watch” list. Apply below if you are one to watch.



Keynote Speakers Ones to Watch List

Applicants receive...

The opportunity to be featured in the Real Leaders Magazine.

You will be featured alongside the Top 50 Speakers as “One to Watch” in the Q2 magazine on shelves April 4th across flagship newsstands and airport lounges. Real Leaders distribution channel of over 35,000 magazines per quarter, and reaches 15,000 CEOs including YPO members.

An Exclusive Podcast interview on the Real Leaders Podcast.

We want to share your story.. your brand… your business and your impact with the world. Jay Shetty, Akon, and other global leaders have been featured on the Real Leaders Podcast and now you can too!

First Access to Key Talks

You will get first access to courses and talks provided each month in the areas that each speaker shared about today that make up a Real Leader in the world: Business, Brand, Impact and Influence. Some of the speakers on THE TOP 50 SPEAKERS LIST will be JOINING US in these exclusive, invitation-only talks in 2023.


A One-on-One Consultation with our Team.

We will work with you to determine your score using the SAME PROPRIETARY FORMULA used to assess the top speakers of 2023. We will conduct a score comparison review to highlight areas of improvement.
