Real Leaders

The Coronavirus is Cause For Introspection Not Further Infection

What does it feel like when Earth is temporarily closed for business? In a world of chaos, is getting united via the coronavirus the best we can do?

Here at Synchronistory, our music-inspired, televisionary “B’earthday” Party for the Planet is still a ways off, but the message is clear that the world is always close to a global moment of connection and reflection (thus far, borne of fear).

With abundant ingenuity across the worldwide community, what will it ultimately take to break the tired legacy of connecting through catastrophe rather than creativity?

It’s nobody’s fault. We were all born without a conscious choice or a user manual. It’s nobody’s fault we were born into a dysfunctional global family of orphaned nations hurtling through Infinity on a tiny spit of land called Earth, all hungry for love and a sense of purpose and worth.

The greatest threat to Humankind is the lack of Humankind(ness).

How will we ride this new virus warning light, which is yet another wakeup call in the never-ending bombardment of global challenges that afflict the human mess that seems to define our humanness? There are practical precautions we need to adhere to. However, the greatest threat to Humankind is the lack of Humankind(ness). This is also our greatest immune boost.

Wakeup calls come in waves large and small. And sometimes they come in a musical call; a call that goes viral, such as in the below MusiCall to Action from Viet Nam (“Viet Calm”), which reminds us to stay cool while we’re jittery and fidgety about the insanity of our Humanity.

Let’s steer leadership towards healership. Let’s kick up our heels and dance this virus into low gear. Let’s boogie our way through thls bizarre phase, and boy-oh-bouy our immune system knowing it won’t be the last time we’re reminded how fragile the lines are that both divide and unite us. Let’s use each opportunity as a seedling for Humankind(ness) to go viral.

P.S. Wash those hands while clearing that mind(set).