Real Leaders

6 Intentions That Will Dramatically Increase the Achievement of Your Goals  

Innumerable barriers and setbacks can easily hijack the attainment of a goal. But studies on the effects and processes for achieving goals show that setting intentions in advance and implementing them as steps toward achieving your goals can greatly enhance the ability to attain them.  Importantly, the difference between a goal and an intention is that a […]

Why Modern Educational Leaders Need to be Agile

It has long been clear that an effective educational leader needs to bring many and varied skills to the task at hand, not the least of which are the ability to communicate effectively, to organize, to collaborate, to unify and to promote growth. But as we have learned during the pandemic, one of the most […]

Five Powerful Steps to Navigating a Crisis

I live and work in the crisis capital of the world: Hollywood, where people’s fortunes can turn on a dime. Early on in my own career as an actor, I experienced a heartbreaking setback (long story for another time), that taught me one of the most important lessons of my life: no matter how well […]

How to Promote Change: 3 Powerful but Simple Actions

Individual and organizational change can be difficult.  Each time we go through any sort of change, some of us jump into it with seeming glee. Yet others seem to be held back by the very notion.  In the business world, this is often termed resistance. Moreover, business leaders often go on to tell us that […]

Self-Coaching: Become the Best You Can Be

Everyone wants to find success in their life and career. The question is how to get there. A few years ago, Google created Project Oxygen with the purpose of discovering what makes someone a good manager—or determining if managers even matter for success. Team members went to work gathering and analyzing data and came up […]

10 Things Leaders Get Wrong When Tackling Racial Bias

There is no doubt that there are several leaders out there with the good intention of ensuring all their people are treated equitably, equally, and fairly. Many, moved by emotion and compassion and fuelled by reported statistics, stories of unfairness and racism, make declarations and take steps to drive positive change. These actions include establishing […]

4 Ways to Re-Engage Employees

The past year has seen assaults on democracy, COVID-19 variants, Juneteenth celebrations, Squid Games, congressional deadlock, and the beginnings of the Great Resignation. It was a year in which we debated coups and conspiracies, vaccine safety and efficacy, critical race theory, the causes of burnout, and why so many people want to leave their jobs […]

Defeat Zoom Fatigue and Become a More Effective Virtual Communicator

Before the pandemic, Zoom fatigue was a concept unfamiliar to the broad public. Some might argue that it didn’t yet exist. Solutions to it certainly did not. As we’ve sought to adapt to the reality of the new communication that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about, most of 2020 was a struggle to simply survive […]

The Biggest Communication Mistakes I’ve Ever Seen. And How You Can Solve Them

When you send someone an email, call them on the phone, or shoot them a Slack message, do you think that you’ve just engaged in communication? If so, you’re not alone: most people consider each of those actions to be forms of communication. But in fact, they aren’t—and thinking that they are is a big […]

Where Budding Entrepreneurs Get Stuck — and How to Become Free and Amplified

Most professionals have at least one concrete idea about how their industry could work better. The world is full of imperfect systems — the American healthcare system is clearly one of them — and the people who work in them day in and day out for years begin to see opportunities for improvement. The trouble […]

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