Tame Your Busy Brain

Your Busy Brain
From Linear to Circular Thinking

Learn how to sort linear from circular thinking — and choose the ideal one for every situation. By Kim Hudson Human thinking has a pattern, but how do we access it? Many social scientists and neuroscientists agree that we have two ways of knowing — distinctly opposite mindsets built into the human condition. They give […]
Use it or lose it: Why it’s time to strengthen our compassionate leadership muscle.

Have you noticed the pace of change is getting faster and faster? Would it surprise you that the ‘pre-historic’ part of our brain is struggling to cope? Are you wondering why absenteeism caused by mental health illness is rising? If the answer to all of these questions is ‘yes’ then read on. I love Ruby […]
The Hunt for Talent is Ushering in a New Era

Market forecasts have a common denominator – it is the word “change.” There has been an increased focus on performance management, employee engagement, and development. Among these activities has been a war for talent. By 2030, the lack of qualified workers could leave 85 million jobs empty. It is now more important than ever to […]
What Qualities and Skills Will Define the Next Generation of Leaders?

The leaders of the next generation of business will have to be prepared to handle the accelerated pace of change, and the best skill these leaders can build is one of lifelong learning. The best career arc must have a strong foundation, and with three specific skills, emerging leaders will have a strong advantage in […]
Embracing the Space Between Transition

“Ready or not, the only way through it is by being curious, patient, and honest with ourselves — three of the most important leadership qualities.” There’s a kind of no-man’s-land we enter once we embark on a journey of change; it is called liminal space. You may not be familiar with the term, but you’ve […]
Leading with Emotional Intelligence is a Superpower, but How Do We Start Doing It?

Being a leader isn’t about having all the technical know-how or business acumen; it’s about being emotionally intelligent. By forming deeper emotional bonds with your team, you can create a more inspired, kinder workplace. Some leaders like to think that showing no emotion is what makes them successful. They strive to keep emotions and even […]
Leveraging the Power of Uncertainty to Build Long-term Resilience

“Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” — William Shakespeare, Hamlet One of the biggest lessons I had to learn as a leader was the value of redundancy. For your people to know what you want, you’re gonna have to keep saying it over and over again. Every time I […]
The Wellness Triangle: 3 Steps to Sustainable Leadership

As leaders, people entrust us with their most valuable asset — their time — so it is incumbent on all of us in positions of authority and influence to step up to the task and take care of them. That starts by learning how to take care of yourself. What does being well mean? First, […]
The Top 3 Things Companies Can Do to Stop Workplace Bullying & Toxic Behavior

Toxic behavior, including bullying, is rampant in the workplace—with nearly 20 percent of U.S. workers experiencing it and 19 % witnessing it.1 It’s also a major force behind the ongoing Great Resignation.2 A survey by FlexJobs found that people who have resigned over the past six month cited “toxic company culture” as their number one reason for […]