Real Leaders

What Does Sustainable Growth Really Mean?

People are often confused by the term sustainable growth. While most believe it a worthy objective, its definition is less clear. Does it mean “green growth?” Is it part of the “triple bottom line”? Does it have to do with the corporate social responsibility (CSR) framework, which suggests that an entity has an obligation to act […]

Oxford University Boosts Businesses That Put People Before Profit

The world-leading British university is seeking to maximize the impact of its academic research on the world. After decades of incubating science and engineering companies, Oxford University announced on Tuesday it is branching out to support businesses that put people before profit, seeking to maximise the impact of its academic research on the world. If […]

Pope Francis Ditches Charity in Favor of Impact Investing

Catholic investment funds are increasingly investing in projects in emerging economies and earning a return while also doing good. After decades of giving to charity, a growing number of Catholics are starting to put their philanthropic billions into profitable investments instead – a new aid model, backed by Pope Francis, that experts say could help […]

5 Global Problems And How You Can Profit From Them

We are in the midst of a seismic change in the way we organize our societies, run our businesses and live our lives. Whether we all stand to benefit from this change is up to you. You are the one who can turn the myriad of interconnected risks we face into opportunities. Along with the Sustainable Development Goals launched by the […]

4 Critical Steps to an Effective Impact Investing Strategy

I was in the prime of my wealth management career. About to turn 30, I managed investments for 20-plus multigenerational high-net-worth families. I’d spent several years climbing the corporate ladder, and finding “success.” And then the epiphany struck—success wasn’t about titles and more money; there had to be something deeper. I started to see a […]

Coca-Cola Gives $106 Million to 230 Global Organizations

The Coca-Cola Foundation and The Coca-Cola Company together donated more than US$106 million to more than 230 organizations in 2016. These contributions will directly benefit communities across more than 200 countries and territories, with approximately 97 percent of the grants focused on The Coca-Cola Company’s core sustainability priorities of women, water and community well-being. The […]

Invest in Cities Now or Face 2.5 Billion Unhappy Urbanites by 2050


In fast-growing cities across the developing world more than 70 percent of residents lack access to basic services like clean water, affordable transportation or decent housing, a research group said on Friday ahead of a U.N. conference on urbanization. By 2050, 2.5 billion people, a bigger population than China and India combined, will move into […]

New Thinking, Not New Technology, is the Path to Greater Social Impact

ice bucket challenge

The 2014 Ice Bucket Challenge raised more than $115 million for the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association  – or ALS – up from donations of $2.8 million for the same period the previous year. And according to ALS, as a result of that funding, their scientists discovered a new gene – NEK1 – known to be […]

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