Real Leaders

15 Cringeworthy Minutes With Mom That Could Save Your Career


It’s natural to want to be liked. People who say they don’t care what other people think are generally lying. And that’s good because people who really don’t care are sociopaths.  But people who care about the feelings of others have a difficult time managing performance.  We tend to put the warmth of our relationships […]

Lack Of Gender Equality Holding You Back? Become a Witch!

If you look up the term “witch” on Google, you’ll get a lot of images of green, old ladies. Ugly, dirty, with long yucky nails, all dressed in black. Witches get really bad press, but when you realize how powerful a woman in her own feminine strength can be, you’ll understand why. A few years ago […]

Planning Your Weekend? This Young Man is Planning our Future

The Global Shapers Community is an initiative of the World Economic Forum and is a network of Hubs developed and led by young people who are exceptional in their potential, their achievements and their drive to make a contribution to their communities. Real Leaders Marketing & Alliance Coordinator, Jesse Pyrch, is a Global Shaper from […]

Plastic Soup: What Goes Into our Oceans Goes Into you

leatherback sea turtle conservation

The ocean is Vincent Kneefel’s biggest passion and his mission is to make people fall in love with the oceans.  The Dutchman became a dive master and PADI instructor at the age of 18 and after seeing the extraordinary creatures and incredible marine life that live in our oceans, he decided to become an underwater […]

Business Trends: Millennials Rejecting the Default

young business

We all know that Millennials are challenging our traditional work environments. But the big question is “why?” Why are Millennials challenging the system rather than assimilating like earlier generations? I struggled with finding an explanation other than demographics until I read a sentence written by professor Adam Grant in his recent book: Originals: How Non-Conformists Move […]

Where the World’s Top Companies Stand On Gender Balance

business woman

Every year, the 20-first Global Gender Balance Scorecard looks at a single measure of progress: the gender balance of the Executive Committee of the TOP 100 companies in three key regions of the globe. A growing number of studies show the correlation between gender balance in leadership and improved corporate performance. The complementary skills and […]

How a Gender Equality Stamp of Approval Could Impact Business

Gender inequality remains pervasive in the workplace. It’s in every industry and on every level, and the uncomfortable conversation it requires to improve it is too often ignored. But there’s a new movement to do something tangible to address the shift that society needs to make on this issue. What if, before interacting with a […]

Millennials and Leadership: What They Really Think

Millennials will form half of the global workforce by 2020 and employee well-being is what they most value in the workplace. The personality traits that Millennials look for in their leaders are strategic thinking at 39%, being inspirational at 37% and strong interpersonal skills at 34% respectively. 59% of Millennial men hope to become the leader of […]

Would you Wear Sustainable Rather than Fashionable?

Why does the creative director of Abercrombie & Fitch insist that their unsold merchandise be burned when not sold? Why does a pair of shoes from Louis Vuitton cost more than your monthly rent? Why do high-end fashion brands not feel the need to sell themselves through television commercials? Simple answer. Elitism, style cultivation and […]