Real Leaders

Eco Innovation Awards

Celebrating Achievement in Environmental Impact

Get recognized among business leaders for your important work in contributing to a healthier planet, while helping grow and inspire the impact movement with your game-changing ideas.

Applications are now CLOSED for the Eco Innovation Awards. If you’d like to reserve your entry for the 2024 Real Leaders Impact Awards, please click the button above.

If you have any questions or comments, please email or schedule a call with our VP of Growth, for any assistance. 

If you have any questions or comments, please email or schedule a call with our VP of Growth, for any assistance. 


Leverage Real Leaders Brand Equity

All Eco Innovation Award winners can utilize the
logo badge in their marketing efforts

Feature the Real Leaders Eco Innovation Awards badge on your ad creative across all platforms to differentiate your company from the competition, and demonstrate your commitment to improving your environmental impact

Utilize the Eco Innovation Awards badge on your website, in your email signature, and within your email campaigns to draw attention to your award; link to your winner profile on for added exposure

Share Real Leaders Eco Innovation Awards posts, congratulate other winners, add the badge to your social media profiles, and be sure to participate in Real Leaders Eco Innovation Awards social media blitz

Print the Real Leaders Eco Innovation Awards badge on your packaging or in-store displays, include it on your collateral or signage to stand out and get noticed in a retail environment

Issue a media advisory with Real Leaders to announce your award to your favorite media outlets; utilize your status as a Real Leaders Eco Innovation Awards winner in your PR pitches

Frequently Asked Questions

We want to learn about the projects, products, and initiatives that your company has recently developed, and how you have measured this environmental impact. For instance, have you replaced a key ingredient in your supply chain with a recycled alternative? Have you switched to regenerative agriculture that prioritizes soil health? Maybe you invented or championed an innovative shipping technique that reduces your company’s carbon footprint. These are just three examples – there are so many innovative things happening in business right now, and we want to recognize these solutions in our Q3 Environment Solutions issue. 

For this inaugural year, Real Leaders intends to select 50 winners to feature in our Q3 Environment Solutions issue.  Each winner will be ranked from 1 to 50, and each will be showcased in print, online, and on social media with copy and image.

Real Leaders seeks to advance the impact company movement – proving that businesses can make a positive impact on the world, while also thriving, and achieving financial success. To determine which companies make the Top 50 list, Real Leaders will review all entries, evaluating them for creativity, innovation, originality, and measurable impact. All entries must be designed to help solve an environmental issue. (I.e. carbon reduction, plastic waste, soil health, etc.)  The Top 50 applicants will then be ranked by 5-year growth rate.

Real Leaders wants to share your project, product, or initiative with our audience of business leaders for two reasons: (1) to celebrate and recognize your important work; (2) to inspire other leaders with action-oriented climate solutions they can adopt for their own businesses. Sharing your success with others on our global platform will help accelerate the impact movement across the world.

Anyone within your organization that can credibly speak to your project, product, or initiative, and explain your impact measurement is welcome to apply. This could be the project manager, PR team/agency, marketing or social media team, or C-suite executive. Entry is open to companies of all sizes, public or private, B2B or B2C. Entrants do not have to be an impact company in order to apply and win this award. This award is about recognizing and sharing the innovative environmental initiatives – solutions! – that are taking place in the business community. Projects/companies can originate from anywhere in the world.

Please send an email to and a member of the Real Leaders team will get back to you.

If you have any questions or comments, please email or schedule a call with our VP of Growth, for any assistance. 


Apply By 8/1/2024 to Receive $100 off
