4 Traits People Seek From Leaders During Difficult Times

As a leader, one of your most important tasks is to create the conditions for employees to do their best work – to think bigger, to make better decisions and to take the braver actions required to adapt and thrive in an ever changing world In the midst of disruption and crisis, when fear can […]
How to be a Brave Leader in a Post-Pandemic World

Real leaders are not immune to fear. Instead, they have the courage to act in its presence. As we move into a post-pandemic world, there is still much to overcome, not least the ability to lean toward the risks that you’re usually hardwired to avoid. Here’s how to turn tough times into a learning experience. […]
3 Ways You Can #ChooseToChallenge Gender Biases That Hold Women Back

Growing up on a small farm in rural Australia, my dad – who left school at 16 and milked dairy cows for 50 years – would tell me that he saw great things for me… like one day becoming a nun, ‘Sister Margaret Mary’ in charge of a convent. By the time I was in […]
Why You Must Unlearn What You Think You Know

The last year has forced all of us to adapt swiftly to a world turned upside down. Almost overnight, we had little choice but to adopt new ways of working, connecting, collaborating, and leading. It’s why the concept of unlearning and relearning has never been more relevant. As the futurist Alvin Toffler wrote: “The illiterate […]
7 Ways Great Leaders Inspire Courage, Not Fear

The last nine months have taken a toll on most of us. In your organization, chances are many employees are feeling more anxious than this time a year ago. Uncertainty and disruption do that. It’s why now more than ever, as people are forced to meet from behind screens without access to the regular tough […]
How I Conquer the Illusion of Uncertainty

If you walk into a dark room, you’ll naturally slow down and proceed very cautiously. If at all. Our brains are wired for certainty, to look for patterns and assurance that our next step will land just as we want. When certainty is removed, obscuring the path ahead, our default response is to put on […]