7 Ways Business Leaders Should Keep Learning and Teaching
In the past month, it’s been back to school time again. For many of us that last happened many, many years ago. That’s a shame because business leaders should never stop “going to back school”. Why? Well, for the simplest of reasons…so they can continue to learn. And as a CEO, entrepreneur, founder or manager […]
5 Inspirational ‘Grit in Leadership’ Skills for Overcoming Adversity
What inspires us to follow a CEO, founder or thought leader? Certainly, there is a toughness, particularly in the face of adversity, that can encourage us to do the same and elevate our efforts. In other words, toughness or grit can be inspirational. In this short article, I want to share how grit is essential […]
What MBA School Doesn’t Teach Business Leaders About Human Nature
To be a successful CEO, Founder or manager, you must prioritize defining your people philosophy and leadership strategies. These key skills, unfortunately, are rarely taught in business school, and must be mastered by anyone managing a team or in a consulting role. Looking back on my MBA program during this graduation season, there were only […]
What can Business Leaders Learn From Apple’s 2022 Back to Work Policy?
Recently Apple sent their employees a letter asking them to come back to work at the office three days a week in late May 2022 (now delayed due to COVID resurging in the Bay Area, but employees must continue to work at the office two days a week). It is a seemingly reasonable request, and as part […]