Real Leaders

The Hunt for Talent is Ushering in a New Era

Market forecasts have a common denominator – it is the word “change.” There has been an increased focus on performance management, employee engagement, and development. Among these activities has been a war for talent. By 2030, the lack of qualified workers could leave 85 million jobs empty. It is now more important than ever to […]

Leadership Strategy Checklist: The Ultimate Guide

Strategy is one of those business terms that is critical to understand but difficult to define. This ambiguity makes it hard to distinguish what makes up a good or bad strategy. Fortunately for entrepreneurs, Professor Richard Rumelt’s book, Good Strategy/Bad Strategy, does an incredible job of defining the various elements of strategy and laying out the […]

The Future of Purposeful Leadership: People, Planet, Profits

What does it mean to be a purposeful leader? Well, it depends on who you ask. There’s been a longstanding exchange happening in the business world for decades about what successful leadership looks like. Some would say the greatest leaders are measured by their prosperity. Some would say it should be how their employees revere […]

Before You Begin, Start With the End in Mind

With any initiative or venture, getting started can present challenges from financial planning and hiring decisions to industry preferences and market strategies. While the process of creating, operating, and scaling a business is both challenging and rewarding, you should be sure that your intentions are clear from the very beginning. The adage of “start with […]