7 Tips for Effective Change Leadership

Every organization needs change leaders. These people believe in the need for change, commit to adopting the required activities, and have the knowledge and skills to support and guide others through the process. The changes facing most organizations are too complex and the pace of change too fast to be driven only from the top […]
The Executive’s Guide to Preventing Resistance & Succeeding With Organizational Change

Here are the seven characteristics of a successful executive change leader: 1. Is Self-Aware – In a study of 65 change stories from leaders of 33 organizations, researchers found what differentiated successful leaders from others was their level of self-awareness. Successful leaders considered the impact their practices, communication, and behaviors had on the response of the […]
The 3 Questions to Ask When Change Gets Tough

Very, very few employees in the history of human work have faced corporate change of the sort that we’ve seen during the past two years. Even now, companies continue to face a constant barrage of change as they attempt to adapt to a business landscape that continues to move beneath their feet. You would think […]