20 Things We Wish We Had Known 20 Years Ago
These words of wisdom – based on our successes, failures, experiences, yearnings and hopes – come from women alumnae of Brown University. With hope that they inspire you to take action as you build your life and career, we share them with you today… Show, don’t tell Know what you can control, and what you can’t […]
How To Disrupt the Tech World
What is your image of an inventor or innovator? A man alone in a lab? Increasing evidence shows most innovation comes from two or more people… one of whom might even be a woman! We stereotype innovators as men and mainly in STEM* products. A quick quiz – who invented the following: the circular saw, COBOL and […]
The Business Efficiency of Integrity

While much has been written about the relationship between integrity, trust and profitability in the last few years, there are companies who have lived this for over 100 years, like a 165 year old, billion dollar plus, 6 generation family business in Wisconsin, Menasha Corp. Last year, in a discussion on the paradox of integrity, trust and vulnerability […]
From the Best Bosses Ever: 4 Vital Early-Career Leadership Lessons

I was 20 years old, just out of undergrad, and sitting among a group Ph.D.’s. My first boss at Bell Labs was an equal-opportunity yeller. When he shouted at me in my first-ever department meeting, I got up, told him when he wanted to talk, not yell, I’d be in my office and walked out. Perhaps this […]
Create Your Own Luck
You know how much I believe in serendipity & random collisions (a la Saul Kaplan!). Meet Samir Rath (pictured above and bio below). I met Samir when he was in the 2nd cohort of the IE-Brown E-MBA while simultaneously investing and starting companies all over the world, including Chile, because, doesn’t everyone? Read Samir’s thoughts on serendipity, luck and […]
Constructive Irreverence: A Cure for the Status Quo?
If we’re going to solve some of our wicked problems, we’ve got to be able to disagree with each other without digging our heels into holes so big we can’t see over the mound of dirt. Many aren’t even willing to try to listen to another point of view. And, the pressure for political correctness […]
Where You Place the ‘a’ Matters: Are You “Just a Leader” or a “Just Leader”?
It’s just a trivial part of speech, just a the letter ‘a,’ no big deal. But it is! How often do we combine the words justice and leadership, especially in the for-profit sector? Obviously it’s a big deal in social enterprises; they focus on ‘social justice.’ But justice has a huge impact on any organization’s […]
My Heroes? Young Millennial Leaders

I bet you’re asking yourself if I’m nuts. I am and I’m happily addicted to these kids too! The stereotype of Gen-Y/Millennials is one of entitlement. There certainly are those who fall into this category and I’d submit there are plenty of Baby Boomers too (hum… look at Washington DC’s problem openly discussing Medicare and Medicaid!). […]