Real Leaders

Google Values the Power of Speed

In a world undergoing constant changes life is a constant learning journey. What we know and understand today may not hold true tomorrow; policies may shift, structures could have collapsed, theories may be disproven, competitors might be on the rise. No matter how many accomplishments are entailed in our bio, therefore, we still have more […]

Do We Accept Circumstances Or Fight Them?

There once stood a tree. It had stood for longer than the oldest person had lived in that area, and almost longer than America had been a country. It reached higher than our necks allow us to see – a skyscraper of the Amazon, some may say. It’s home to our friends with wings, plants […] and Me Have a Dream

It was not an ordinary weekend for America, or for myself for that matter. President Obama was inaugurated for the second time and I was in complete awe as I walked away from a two and half hour conversation with global icon He shared with me his purpose and love around making and producing […]

The Day I Learnt About Leadership From Bugs

As the day entered the twilight zone and a sticky breeze accompanied a transforming mountainous view, my cloudless, introspective mind indulged in the beauty of a roasted marshmallow sky. At an elevation of about 4,500 feet, almost halfway to the “top of the world,” I was captivated by a microscopic world before me. One encompassing […]

Rainbows and Failures: Value Your Mistakes

Imagine a world in which failure was not a terrible event. A place in which mistakes were valued, obstacles were short-lived barriers and questions were endless. Perhaps an environment where we had nine lives, like a cat. This place is where we would explore and learn from our experiences. It would be a world in […]

Empowerment Through Change and Perseverance

Step into the shoes of an Ecuadorian women living in a small community in the Andes Mountains. It’s a Wednesday and wake up call is at 4:00 am. The sun is still a bit drowsy; the Earth and the people slowly arise for the day’s activities. With a family of growling stomachs your responsibility as […]

Leadership Lessons From A Slum

In the outskirts of Buenos Aires, Argentina – a place often viewed as inferior – I learned one of those lessons that no book can teach, other than the author of their own experiences. It’s something we generally take for granted but what I learnt in Argentina changed the way I thought about influence and ability. It’s […]

Passion Is The Fuel For Tackling Our Fears

It often seems that each year goes by faster than the one before. Frequently I find myself reflecting and contemplating on where the time has gone. I know that there are 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year. Yet sometimes I struggle to believe it. How have the leaves started to change color […]