Real Leaders

How to Build a Business and Still Have a Life

In the 17 years it took me to build Pacific Direct into a multimillion dollar business, I drove myself very hard. From the day I started, at 23, a second sense told me I had to keep myself in peak fitness to succeed. My trainers and my swimming costume were always packed and ready to go. I […]

The Food Chain Revolution That Will Change The Way People Shop

What happens when a successful software company CEO decides he’s going to trade in his tie for a trowel and build greenhouses in order to improve the environmental impact of the food supply chain?  “My wife suggested the existence of our three kids and sizable mortgage was a good reason not to do it,” says […]

Building an Anti-poverty Hub of Hope

“Very often, a lack of jobs and money is not the cause of poverty, but a symptom,” said President Lyndon Johnson in 1965, one year after declaring a war on poverty. “The cause may lie deeper, in our failure to give our fellow citizens a fair chance to develop their own capacities, in a lack […]

The Liquid Energy Machine That Could Power our Future

“I am quite a passionate person,” admits Scott McGregor (above) when discussing the global ramifications for his large scale energy storage technology redT energy storage, “but I try to keep that under wraps.”  This might sound like a curious disposition for someone at the head of ushering in what promises to be nothing short of […]