Real Leaders

While Nuclear Energy Attracts Attention, Investors Should Not Lose Sight On The Promise Of Renewables

By Blaine Townsend

In 1979, the accident at Three Mile Island  Nuclear Generating Station in Pennsylvania changed the investment calculus and public  opinion about nuclear power. It was almost 40  years before another reactor was built in this  country. Subsequent international accidents at Chernobyl and Fukushima did not help matters. 

However, as climate change threatens the  natural world and the viability of the capital markets, the tone around nuclear energy has  started to change. It has even garnered  bipartisan and Wall Street support, shifting  investors’ attention towards this sector. So, does nuclear energy provide a low-emissions  solution to rapidly rising energy demands? Or  does it distract investors from the stronger  opportunities in renewables? 

The Case (and Frequent Setbacks) of  Nuclear Energy 

To be sure, nuclear energy is intoxicating.  Nuclear power is a proven technology that produces electricity with low emissions.  Currently, the US draws 19% of its electricity from nuclear power.1 When it comes to the  percentage of “clean” power (low emissions), the  number jumps to 48%. With energy demand set  to double by 2030 due to the insatiable thirst of  artificial intelligence,2 nuclear advocates insist  it is the safest, cleanest and cheapest solution to  the energy and climate crisis.3 

Of course, the power derived from wind, water  and solar (WWS) also provides safe, clean energy. But, as the proponents of nuclear like to  say, “the sun doesn’t shine all day, and the wind  is not constant.” Nuclear plants run 24 hours a  day, 7 days a week, offering a near-constant baseload of power. That sounds good on paper,  but growing nuclear capacity has not been that  easy. In part, this is because of nuclear energy’s  checkered history, liabilities from an investment standpoint and lack of public  support. In practice, it is just difficult to get  plants built.

When it comes to the percentage of  “clean” power (low emissions), the  number jumps to 48%. With energy  demand set to double by 2030 due to  the insatiable thirst of artificial  intelligence,2 nuclear advocates insist  it is the safest, cleanest, and cheapest  solution to the energy and climate  crisis.3

“On-time and under budget” is not a phrase  associated with nuclear plant construction. The new reactors at the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant in Georgia are a good example. Construction started in 2009 at a projected cost  of $12 billion, expected to be completed in 2017.  Instead, the second of the two additions entered commercial operations this year and ended up  costing almost $35 billion “for what may be the  most expensive power plant ever.”4 There is  hope that new technology and modular  construction could change that, but hope is not  a plan.

So nuclear is expensive and slow to build when  all goes well. When it doesn’t? Look no further  than the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi  Nuclear Plant in Japan. The cost for the cleanup  is in the hundreds of billions and still piling up.5 Even if there is no accident, disposing of spent  uranium is a treacherous undertaking. It  remains a threat to the environment for  centuries and requires great measures to  “dispose” of it safely. This includes keeping it  out of the hands of bad actors who can use it in  dirty bombs.


The Stronger Investor Case for  Renewables 

Nuclear advocates argue the high costs and long  construction time is due to political opposition  and the under-investment in nuclear over the past 50 years.6 Until recently, the same could be  said for renewables.7 Despite this, the results for  renewables have been very different. Subsidy  math is always fuzzy, but momentum to  subsidize renewables picked up steam in the  1990s. Since that time, the share of electricity in  the U.S. produced by WWS has gone up 150%.8 

The speed at which wind and solar installations  can be built is a big reason for this. Wind and  solar installations take from 6 months to 2 years  to build.9 By contrast, nuclear plant construction this century has averaged about 10  years once construction has started.10 Need  more evidence? In just 2020 and 2021 alone, the  world added 464 gigawatts of power-generating  capacity of wind and solar, more than the  capacity of all the nuclear plants ever built.11 

WWS is not a panacea. Like any industrial  energy source, there are challenges. It requires a  lot of land and energy storage is also a concern (“the sun doesn’t shine all day”). Despite this,  the capital markets are much more interested in  investing in renewables than nuclear. Even in  nuclear’s heyday, Congress had to pass the  Price-Anderson Nuclear Industries Indemnity  Act in 1957 to entice private investment in  nuclear. Investors recognize that renewables  come on more quickly, use much less water, and  have a much lower risk profile. In addition, the  Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is set to  turbocharge energy storage and improve  distribution.12 

Wind and solar installations take from 6  months to 2 years to build.9 By contrast,  nuclear plant construction this century  has averaged about 10 years once  construction has started.10

Extending the operating life of the current  nuclear capacity makes perfect sense. As of April 30, 2024, there were 54 commercially  operating nuclear power plants with 94 nuclear power reactors in 28 states.13 There is already $6  billion set aside in the 2022 Bi-partisan  Infrastructure Law to do this, and just this week  Constellation Energy Corp. agreed to invest $1.6  billion to revive the shuttered Three Mile Island nuclear reactor and sell all the energy to Microsoft Corp. That makes sense. Building new  nuclear plants at the expense of renewables  does not. There is no time to waste.


This Issue Brief was produced by Bailard’s Social, Responsible and Impact Investing (“SRII”) team for informational purposes only  and is not a recommendation of, or a solicitation of an offer to buy any particular security, strategy or investment product. It does  not take into account the particular investment objectives, financial situations or needs of individual clients or investors. Specific  investments described herein may represent some but not all investment decisions made by Bailard. The reader should not assume  

that investment decisions identified and discussed were or will be profitable. Specific investment advice references provided  herein are for illustrative purposes only and are not necessarily representative of investments that will be made in the future.  Bailard, Inc. makes no recommendation to buy or sell securities discussed in this section. All investments have the risk of loss.  There is no guarantee that any investment strategy will achieve its objectives. The application of various environmental, social and  governance screens as part of a socially responsible investment strategy may result in the exclusion of securities that might  otherwise merit investment, potentially resulting in lower returns than a similar investment strategy without such screens. This  communication contains the current opinions of its author and such opinions are subject to change without notice. Information  contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed. The sources contain information  that has been created, published, maintained, or otherwise posted by institutions or organizations independent of Bailard, Inc.,  which does not approve or control those websites and which does not assume responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or  timeliness of the information located there. Visitors to those websites should not use or rely on the information contained therein  until consulting with an independent finance professional. Bailard, Inc. does not necessarily endorse or recommend any  commercial product or service described at those websites. 



2 3 Why we must embrace nuclear energy to fight climate change | World Economic Forum ( 4 high#:~:text=The%20new%20Vogtle%20reactors%20are,the%20total%20nears%20%2435%20billion. 5 

6 7 the-inflation-reduction-act/ 


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