Nude Foods: Cape Town’s First Plastic-Free Grocery Store

While walking the streets of Cape Town recently, I discovered South Africa’s very first plastic-free grocery store: Nude Foods. It has an old-school ambience with a simple, modern-twist. Founder Paul Rubin has created an environmentally friendly shopping experience for those who care about their food and how it’s packaged. Launched in December 2017 the store […]
Ignorance is Not Bliss. We Must Take Action

We live in an ignorant world. A world that’s made to believe that it’s ok to live the same way each day: wake up, go to work, earn your salary, feed your children and do just enough to get by. But to me, this is real ignorance. Life often feels unfulfilling if we just do […]
Are we Using Social Media Responsibly or Dangerously?

Many people I know are victims of social media addiction and usually struggle to contain their online cravings. Some of the social media apps we tend to abuse include Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. Because these apps were developed for commercial use, they’re designed to attract a maximum number of users, and as a […]
Try Crowdfunding to Start Your Business

Crowdfunding has become very popular over the past few years. One of the most difficult parts of starting up a business is securing enough finance to get it up and running. If you’re unable to get a bank loan and have no connection to any investors, it can be extremely difficult to take your awesome idea and make […]
Six Great Sustainable Building Ideas

Young architects from around the world have created some amazing sustainable structures that are helping to solve everyday problems, while also decreasing carbon emissions and utilizing natural materials. Below are six innovative and sustainable architectural solutions that are contributing to a better world.
Six Young Leaders Show the way

Young entrepreneurs are creating amazing solutions that are helping to solve everyday problems. Young-preneurs are now inspiring other young people to take up the challenge too. View below how a few young people on Instagram are sharing their solutions for a better and more connected world.