
REAL LEADERS IMPACT AWARDS 2021 SPRING 2021 / REAL-LEADERS.COM 15 145. LUCKY IRON FISH ENTERPRISE A social enterprise that produces fish-shaped, cast iron ingots that provide dietary iron supplementation to individuals affected by iron deficiency and anemia. They are tackling the world’s largest nutritional challenge by spreading iron nourishment, and helping solve a preventable health problem that impacts over a third of the world’s population. 146. ECOADVISORS A company that advises for impact, born from the recognition that sustainability is multi-faceted and requires a diversity of perspectives to create enduring solutions. They have influenced more than $2.8 billion in sustainability-oriented financing, which has contributed to safeguarding millions of hectares of land and oceans, secured 4Gt of forest carbon, and improved more than 1.5 million livelihoods. 147. HIGHERRING A BCorp and member of 1% for the Planet, the company specializes in outsourced, boutique customer services, such as email, phone, chat, text, and social media, as well as backoffice and operations support. They hire people from across the United States and pay a living wage with full benefits. 148. CORAL VITA A commercial, land-based coral farm that grows and transplants corals to restore dying reefs. They grow a diverse and resilient array of corals to preserve the ocean’s biodiversity while protecting the health and prosperity of communities, nations, and industries that depend on reefs for coastal protection, food, and income. 149. TRANSCEND, THE FEARLESS COMPANY A business management consultancy that develops change-resilient organizations. They help business owners, leaders, and executives hone their thinking, their conversations, and their execution to get the most from their existing resources and become better leaders. 150. BINDIMAPS An internal navigation tool that has been optimized for people living with visual impairment. The program delivers real-time navigation information via a smartphone application, and helps remove barriers to mobility. They empower people with vision impairments to pursue independence, navigate their world, and engage with communities. WHO DID WE MISS? Don’t see your favorite company in our Impact Awards list? To nominate a company for 2022 email us at: .