Finding Common Ground: What Would Mandela Have Done?
The life and lessons of Nelson Mandela offer us many topics on which to reflect. However, in 2020, the lessons learned resound more clearly. Ours is a time of crisis: The planet has been struck by a global virus that carries unprecedented stealth and scope. This is the kind of plague that reveals our collective […]
Yes, Kids Can Create Lasting Peace

There are over 1.8 billion people on this planet between the ages of 10 and 24—the most at any time in history. This figure is a positive sign, for, in all the societies and countries of the world, young women and men are a group that actively looks for opportunities to generate unprecedented change and […]
Working with Refugees Today to Prevent Tomorrow’s Conflicts
As the international community comes together to commemorate World Refugee Day, we face the somber reality that the number of refugees around the world continues to grow to unacceptable levels. Today over 60 million people—about 1 per every 122 people on the planet—are currently displaced due to violence or conflict. To put that in perspective, […]
Building Peace in the Digital Age

Over the past decade, we’ve seen many examples of how technology has changed the ways we respond to crises and build broad-based, popular movements. After the devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti, individuals on the ground used the crowdsourcing platform Ushahidi to help direct search-and-rescue teams to the locations where they were needed most. In 2011, […]
Promoting Peace and Development On and Off the Playing Field

Sports have a universal appeal that connects people across cultures, nationalities, and languages. Around the world, sports are an important part of daily life for countless women and men; they are a source of exercise, entertainment, and joy. But sports can have an even deeper impact, too. They have the potential to be a powerful […]