Real Leaders

What’s Your Big Decision That Will Make 2017 Great?

Living your best life most likely requires you doing something extraordinary. Few of us maximize what’s possible by just doing what we’re already doing. The big breakthroughs; the big improvements come from making big decisions. What is the big decision your life has been asking you to make? The clue to answer this question is to […]

Six Reasons Why You Need a Purpose to Lead

I think we should face the fact that most of our efforts at leadership development have failed. Although billions of dollars have been invested over the last 50 years and tens of thousands of books written to promote better leadership, there is virtually no evidence that leaders are any better today than they were five […]

7 Discriminations That Will Turn You Into a Compliant Robot

Every day I battle to defeat the psychology of discrimination. Invisible discrimination creates work cultures in which very smart and capable people are systematically disempowered and slowly turned into compliant robots.  I use the term invisible discrimination because bias is too benign. Discrimination results from using superficial factors such as gender, race, age, weight, social status, or […]

Why is Donald Trump So Popular?

I know many of you might be gagging at the title of this article. After all, what could that nasty narcissist tell us about popularity and leadership? As it turns out, quite a bit. I always find election time an interesting laboratory of leadership behavior… or misbehavior. This past election cycle is particularly interesting because […]

What Tech Executives Don’t Understand About Talent

In a recent interview, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty said what most tech executives say about the growing talent shortage.  She said we need more STEM education.  She advocated channeling more students in to science, technology engineering and math courses. That’s of course the conventional wisdom . . . but it’s wrong.  Well, not so much […]

Think Like a Goddess; Work Like a Genius


Cultures emerge to ensure the dominant class stays in power.  Culture is permeated by unexamined beliefs, norms and expectations that favor those who make the rules. That’s why leaders are so powerful. They actually create the culture that will determine your opportunities, achievements, and in time, your health and happiness. There are not many corporate […]

Think Like a Goddess Rules


Maintaining your psychological balance is difficult. Human thinking is loaded with land mines. Our thoughts about our significant relationships and life experiences constantly churn in the daily whirlpool of trivial events, superficial relationships, personal moods and the sharp edges of minor frustrations.  It’s not easy to keep your balance if you’re roller skating through life […]

Why Diversity Programs Suck

I use the word ‘Suck’ in the title for two reasons. First, there’s overwhelming evidence corporate diversity programs don’t work to achieve either the social or business goals of diversity. Second, diversity and inclusion programs suck the attention and energy away from what will solve the problem. Lately I’ve been talking to many corporate diversity and inclusion leaders. […]

Win the Battle for Your Mind


Many years ago I volunteered to counsel criminals. I visited a maximum security prison Thursdays and Sundays to work with about 60 men who had committed serious crimes. Some had committed terrible crimes.  One thing I discovered is that all these men suffered from a similar psychological malady…  low impulse control. If you want to […]

Are Tech Companies Deaf?

women and tech

Imagine you’re sitting in the audience where the Nobel prizes are being awarded. This year, the prize for physics is being awarded to an obscure French genius who has discovered the algorithm that runs the universe. Just suppose it has been described as the greatest scientific discovery in all history. Now imagine the physicist, who is […]