Real Leaders

Meet The 26 Generation Family Business


Compared to any family business, the Antinori story is exceptional: it’s hard enough to get a family business to survive for three generations, let alone 26. But that’s what the Antinori family has done since 1184, just outside Florence in Italy. The renowned wine company, also one of the oldest companies in the world, is now run […]

Apple Cofounder: How Steve Jobs and I Started a Revolution

When I was designing computers I was known as an artist, an architect, because architecture is about art really. I was known for the way I connected chips with wires and the choices I made. Well, nobody was ever going to see this invisible work except another engineer who also knew how to connect chips […]

Overlooked and Misunderstood: Older People Speak out About Conflict

Overlooked and misunderstood: older people speak about their experiences of conflict. A new HelpAge International survey of 300 older refugees fleeing from conflict in Syria, Ukraine and South Sudan has found evidence of neglect, poor health provision and feelings of isolation and fear. The refugee crisis of the last few years has mainly focused on the […]

Impact Investing Goes Mainstream

“You cannot separate people from the environment,” says Michael Van Patten, former Mission Markets CEO and current Founder of ethical investment tech company my4. His new company is a marketplace for investors within the impact and sustainability sector looking for a way to align their personal values with their investments. He shared his views on impact investing with […]

Forest Whitaker: “I’m Here to Help you Take Action”

Whitaker Peace and Development Initiative founder and CEO Forest Whitaker played a major role in the opening ceremony of the UN General Assembly’s High-Level Thematic Debate on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on Thursday 22 April 2016. He addressed the more than 30 heads of state and hundreds of international participants who had gathered […]

17 Goals For Global Action

young business

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] Countries have started adopting a new sustainable development agenda, put forward by the United Nations, with targets to be achieved over the next 15 years. These 17 new Sustainable Development Goals build on the eight Millennium Development Goals that ended in 2015. While there have […]

An Interview With a Hacker, Futurist, Inventor and Badass

Pablos Holman is a futurist, inventor, and notorious hacker with a unique insight into breaking and building new technologies. Currently working at the Intellectual Ventures laboratory in Washington, he’s hard at work helping to invent a range of futuristic solutions to seemingly impossible problems. Some of his projects include a fission reactor powered by nuclear […]

Sara Blakely: The Spanx Billionaire Who Thrived On Failure

sara blakely

In this exclusive interview with Real Leaders, Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx, explains her life-long desire to help women, her commitment to The Giving Pledge and why she has no exit plan. She shares her inspirations with us and the thoughts she made public in her Giving Pledge letter to Bill Gates.   How did […]

Germany’s First Jewish Mayor on How to Build a City of Peace

   Peter Feldmann is the mayor of Frankfurt, a city that has traded on diversity for centuries. The city has shown that discrimination will lead to lost customers and business. Staying visible and keeping citizens informed in a transparent manner is the best way of getting people to lead with you. What inspired you to […]


濒死体验提出的生命转化为莎朗·斯通的观点。她还击,并决定对世界的积极变化。 目的有电源,而她相信每个人都可以使一个巨大的差异。 和平是一些普通人会给我们,不穿西装的男人。 我们今天看到的迁移危机无异于200年前,美国移民不同。 莎朗·斯通已经抵达米兰举办和平颁奖典礼。保镖和着迷客人成群结队环绕,组织者很难推回摄影师谁都是喊激增。“沙龙!沙龙!”,企图获得屡获殊荣的女演员的最佳击球。虽然每个人都认为她已被选为主办PILOSIO建设和平奖,因为她已经建立了一个闷热的职业生涯看起来 – 始终保证吸引观众 – 这个故事告诉她今天晚上是远离好莱坞精英的glamourized生活。一个故事,甚至可能是值得电影本身的。 死亡有将东西放入角度对许多人的奇特功效。有些人会忍受千钧一发后仍然受到创伤,而其他人将反弹比以前强。石属于后者。各地死亡两个显着的事件塑造了她的生活。第一次是在20年前,当她的邻居,伊丽莎白格拉泽,从输血得了艾滋病。二是更加个性化-幸存中风和大规模脑溢血。你以为在场景本能,由一个连环杀手在一个黑暗的地下室被猎杀,是可怕的? 如果你喜欢这个,订阅这里更多的故事,启迪未来。 斯通的脑溢血离开她没有短期记忆,无力无口吃说话,在她左腿的感觉,她的右耳听力损失的损失。她不能走在第一,它花了两年时间再次阅读。这是她职业生涯的结束,而是一些更深刻的开始 – 一个愿望,回馈世界,并帮助别人生存。 “我已经在床上躺了一年左右,”斯通说。“当我蹒跚学步的儿子进了卧室,推过壁炉的工具,说:‘没有更多的妈妈!’ 这是我的大觉醒。我意识到,他需要他的母亲和他需要我去战斗更难。我做了“。 虽然最终失去儿子的监护权她的前夫,斯通继续采取两个儿子,并逐步回去工作。格拉泽在1994年去世,和石头已经倾注了她的时间与伊丽莎白格拉泽儿童艾滋病基金会和美国艾滋病研究基金会的工作。刚刚走出医疗照顾自己的,石使这个工作她的主要目的。 当被记者最近问她是否对艾滋病防治工作只是另一个宣传噱头,寻求关注,石回答说,“好了,20岁会是一个很长的宣传噱头。” “目的有电,”斯通说:“我相信,每个人都可以使一个巨大的差异。有不有效果没有好的目的。如果你问宇宙是你最好的朋友,宇宙并不很难得到发挥,”她说。她回忆说,趴在神经重症监护2周911与人死亡围着她在病房后。在电视上,她看到飞机撞击世贸中心和世界各地展开后续的混乱。“我看着危机危机之后,但我的生活,”她说。“我没想到我以任何方式特别特别的,但我做出目的的承诺。” 该承诺的一部分已经共同举办诺贝尔和平奖音乐会,并帮助推动中东与诺贝尔和平奖获得者佩雷斯和平。她被授予和平峰会奖,2013年她与艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者的工作。“我相信,和平是知识产权,而不是一些无定形的概念,”她解释说。“和平不会从与红色领带在壁炉前聊天蓝色西装两个人来的。和平是一些普通人都会给我们。和平是我们创造的东西; 这是一个动作。” 斯通的行为都提出了数百万美元用于在全球各地的原因。她不避讳折他人精心策划会议到个人平台筹集资金。期间在达沃斯世界经济论坛非洲贫穷2005年面板,瑞士,她即席筹款蚊帐预防疟疾募集$ 1百万。今年上述PILOSIO建设和平奖在九月,石头突然从她在舞台上的讨论离开来挑战观众建立与她的学校在非洲。不到五分钟,她成功地说服了一群商人建立的28所学校。 由于是好莱坞女星,你成为一个全球公民。拍摄世界各地,成为一个全球性的图标给你独特的见解世界如何运作。 石已经被她的多元文化背景下是如何从各地的移民和难民当前的辩论没有不同的击打。 “当我们看到数百万流离失所者从叙利亚和中东地区转移到欧洲的一刻,是我们作为感谢我们自己的民族主义,因为我们可以吗?”她问。“我是美国的一个伟大的爱国者和热爱我的祖国,但我的家族传承是爱尔兰,斯堪的纳维亚和法国。我极其感激所有从我的遗产起源的国家。我们都是世界公民,我们每一个人。” 石奇观,她将是今天,如果历史已经不同了近200年前,判断她的祖先。“在19世纪40年代的爱尔兰饥荒,如果我的祖先被剥夺通道到美国,我就不会在这里今天我也不会提出数亿美元,以帮助阻止艾滋病危机,”她说。“到今天走转的人,在类似迁移的时间,就是否定我们自己的遗产。” 斯通喜欢在关于因果报应,宇宙命运的慷慨神秘的短语说话。这是由她自己的濒死体验,她设法存活并继续创造机会,并希望数百万的事实成型的世界观。对于我们这些谁包庇,我们应该与我们的生活做更多琐碎的感情,她有一些建议。“正如我们真的不希望参与,我们保持我们的生活和经历之外,因为他们太难受了所有的事情,他们将不可避免地最终在自己的后院。”最好的,我们都去找这些问题和处理这些问题,才找到我们。 如果你喜欢这个,订阅这里更多的故事,启迪未来。